Waterfall Adventure In Rishikesh

Waterfall Adventure In Rishikesh

Rishikesh is not only famous for Yoga and River Rafting, but it is also a perfect destination for other adventure activities.In Rishikesh You can do trekking through waterfall and can found yourself in the nature.

One of the most exciting movement that one can stare ahead to during their travel to Rishikesh is Trekking to the Waterfall.The Rishikesh city is enclosed by a very glorious reserved forest: The Rajaji National Park, and there are many mysterious waterfalls in the forest range.

Trekking waterfall is an adventurous activity as it involves hiking over the jungle on narrow trails. The charm of these waterfalls is thrilling, all the hardwork and trekking becomes usefull once you reach the waterfall. It is extremely fresh to stand near the waterfall.

The beautiful city of Rishikesh offers a host of dramatic area for trekkers. The city is not only famous for being the River Rafting Capital of India, but it is also a excellent station for satisfy in various other adventure activities.You can definitely plan a waterfall trekking trip to Rishikesh.

Best Waterfalls In Rishikesh

Neer Gaddu Waterfall Rishikesh

Neer Gaddu Waterfall is a glorious waterfall for small trek. The water falling from natural rocky cliffs tempts the holiday to take a cool dip in the narrow stream. Neer Garh is the superb hiking exercise to spend a quiet morning in the saintly land of Rishikesh. The trek is a bit more challenging as compared to other waterfall treks placed in its vicinity.

Garud Chatti waterfall Rishikesh

Garud Chatti waterfall is around 5 km far from Lakshman Jhula on the Neelkanth Road. It is one of the most popular tourist spots in Rishikesh. The waterfall falls on the road as you start walking almost the North of Lakshman Jhula.There are a few stalls that serve tea and some fast food nearby. You can also take your swimsuit along if you want to go diving into the water

Phool chatti Waterfall Rishikesh

Phool chatti Waterfall Rishikesh is placed at Neelkanth road about 5-6Km from Lakshman jhula.The Waterfall is very small,not many people visit these waterfalls and they are a pleasant place to visit and to spend a couple hours.

Patna Waterfall Rishikesh

Patna Waterfall is placed at Patna village on Neelkanth Temple Road in Uttarakhand.It is another short hike from the town of Rishikesh. The hike takes 30 minutes to complete and makes for a ideal walk in the park with plenty of awesome landscape awaiting you, glimpse from the thick jungles.